Pit & Fissure Sealants

Texas Dental Assistants by rule (Rule 114.3) may be delegated the application of pit and fissure sealants by a licensed Texas dentist under direct supervision.  Certain requirements apply as stated below:

Pit and Fissure Sealant Requirements for Dental Assistants

  • Have at least two years of experience as a dental assistant
  • Successfully complete a current course in basic life support (CPR)
  • Complete a minimum of 8 hours of education that includes clinical and didactic education in pit and fissure sealants taken through a CODA-accredited dental, dental hygiene, or dental assistant program approved by the Board.

Additional Note:  Application of pit and fissure sealants must be in accordance with the minimum standard of care and limited to the dental assistant’s scope of practice. In addition to application of pit and fissure sealants, a dental assistant who meets the requirements as stated above may use a rubber prophylaxis cup and appropriate polishing materials to cleanse the occlusal and smooth surfaces of teeth that will be sealed or to prepare teeth for application of orthodontic bonding resins. Cleansing is intended only to prepare the teeth for the application of sealants or bonding resins and should not exceed the amount needed to do so.  

Pursuant to §258.003 of the Dental Practice Act, the delegating dentist is responsible for all dental acts delegated to a dental assistant, including application of pit and fissure sealants.

List of TSBDE-approved Coronal Polishing course providers